The intention of Making Friends with Your Finances is to provide a safe, interactive learning environment to support busy people in better managing and taking control of their financial health. In this self-paced course, you will journey through five exciting modules that will help you engage with your money as you discover the following: - Your current money mindset and how to reset it - Your current relationship with your money and how to improve it - Your True Financial Picture: the Good, the Bad, and the Oh S#!t! - How to create the NEW relationship with the money you've always desired with NEW habits that empower you - The ideal budget that works with your life - How to create your ULTIMATE SPENDING PLAN to help you reach your goals - Innovative and customized ways to control your spending, increase your savings, and begin to live the lifestyle you've always desired! BONUSES - A private community to ask questions, learn new concepts and practices, and share ideas with others in the program! - Earn private coaching sessions as you complete activities! - Earn credits for giveaways and other promotions!
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app